Legacy Foundation

The Legacy Foundation is comprised of members and friends of The Ark Church who have made arrangements for a Legacy Gift.

What is Legacy Giving

Legacy Giving is God-honoring. God calls us to make wise and faithful choices about the use and disposition of our property. By planning our future gifts now, we are graciously responding to the blessings of God in our lives, expressing our faith in Him, and establishing a legacy that will continue to honor God. Legacy Gifts create an opportunity for abundant provision that will allow for the church to continue its mission long after we are gone.

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:21

Legacy Giving is strategic - Legacy Giving enables you to make a meaningful gift while potentially enhancing your and your family’s future financial well-being. It takes into account many factors of estate planning including:

  • People - loved ones, friends, family, and members of The Ark Church
  • Assets - cash, investments, real property, estate and tax reduction plans
  • The Future - carrying your ideals and values forward long after you are gone.

Ways to Make a Legacy Gift

A gift of any size is significant. The best gift is one that is appropriate for your particular circumstances and desire. A Legacy Gift can be structured to benefit the donor or The Ark Church during the donor's lifetime, or to benefit The Ark Church at the death of the donor.

Examples of Legacy Giving

  • Bequest in Your Will: The most common type of legacy gift
  • Charitable Gift Annuity: A gift is invested and the donor receives a guaranteed payment for life
  • Insurance: An existing or new insurance policy may be donated
  • 401K Retirement Benefit Plans and IRAs: Benefit plans and IRAs donated to The Ark Church may provide important tax savings to the donor
  • Stocks, Bonds, Real Estate, and Property: Property that has appreciated allows a tax deduction for the current market value without incurring tax on the capital gain
  • Memorial: A memorial to honor a loved one or to continue the work treasured by someone you appreciate

No matter the size, a Legacy Gift is a personal statement of gratitude in the form of financial support for The Ark that will last forever.

To find out more about Legacy Foundation contact


Legacy Foundation Committee:
Charlie Pitts
Sally Turner
Jodie Hart
Phillip Moore

Used in cooperation with Westminster Presbyterian Church, Minneapolis MN.